CLICK HERE for a quick and easy FAQ to everything related to the APA Scorekeeper App
CLICK HERE to learn how to use the Scorekeeper App to score 8-Ball (6 minute video) 
CLICK HERE to learn how to use the Scorekeeper App to score 9-Ball (6 minute video)
If you assign the wrong player to the match, or if you assigned the wrong lag winner, CLICK HERE to learn how to fix the issue in the Scorekeeper App.
Teams are permitted to edit rosters during the first 4 weeks of each session. If a team needs to edit their roster during the first 4 weeks, BOTH teams need to edit the roster in the Scorekeeper App. CLICK HERE for the instructions BOTH teams need to follow.

The information you input into the Scorekeeping App is automatically sent to the local Chattanooga APA league office. Even though you've chosen to use the App, it's wise to carry a few blank scoresheets with you on league night, just in case the App crashes or you lose Internet connectivity, etc.

Don't worry if you don't have a color printer - black & white scoresheets are fine.
Blank scoresheets are also available in the league notebook at all host locations.